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Première Lame
Première Lame
Age : 33
Prénom : Julie
Messages : 3317
Inscription : 15/10/2007

Wakin Up Empty Wakin Up

Dim 18 Juil - 3:45
Comme 10 millions de personnes j'ai décidé de faire le début de la Saison 6 comme je l'imagine Wakin Up 07 C'est juste pour m'amuser, je vais la faire relativement courte comme fiction et sans suite. Dites moi ce que vous en pensez:

Et je sais que la S6 sera surement 2-3 ans plus tard que la saison 5, mais moi j'ai mit 6 mois, je sais pas pourquoi Wakin Up 07

Part 1:
It was past midnight and Dean was sitting silently in the stairs, beer in his hand, head down. 6 months, 2 weeks, 2 days and 14 hours has passed since Sam has jumped into that hole, dragging Lucifer and Michael...and Adam... with him. It’s the 108th time Dean saw that moment again in his dreams, in his nightmares. Every day passing by, every nightmare is bringing a new scar to his hurt heart and soul. But the worse was when he dreamt of a happy memory with Sammy and woke up to crying, finding out it was just a dream and that he’ll never see him again.

He tried to be happy, to live his life. He really tried...but he just couldn’t. Every time he put Ben to bed, every time he cooked dinner for him or every time he helped Ben with his homework, he was seeing Sam. He was seeing himself taking care of his baby brother like he always did. He couldn’t do it anymore. It was too much to ask.

He heard the stairs creak and turn around to see Lisa coming next to him, in dressing grown. She watched him with a sad look before sitting on the same stairs than Dean.

-Still the same nightmare?

Dean sighed. He really hoped that he wouldn’t wake Lisa up. Before he was able to say anything, he felt all tearing up.

-Lisa...I’m so sorry...

-For what?

-I told you than I imagined myself happy with you, but now that I’m living with you, I just can’t pretend that everything is alright. I know it’s not fair for you...I’m sorry

Lisa just threw her arms around him to hug him. After a couple of seconds, Dean gave her back her hug, letting the tears rolls on his cheeks:

-It’s okay Dean, I understand. Do what you think you have to do...and you’ll always be welcome here if you decide to stop by one day.

Dean lets himself relax in her embrace, silently hoping she’ll find someone better for herself. She beautiful, smart and has so many others quality. She deserved someone who really needs her. What Dean really needs right now, is his brother.

Dernière édition par Alecramsay le Mer 21 Juil - 6:57, édité 1 fois
Eau Bénite
Eau Bénite
Age : 32
Messages : 80
Frère Préféré : J'aime bien les deux, je préfére Dean et sa répartie :p
Inscription : 13/07/2010

Wakin Up Empty Re: Wakin Up

Dim 18 Juil - 12:35
J'aime l'idée de l'écrire en anglais, je trouve que certaines tournures en anglais sont 100 plus belles que leurs pendant français :D

Waiting for the second part ! :)
Première Lame
Première Lame
Age : 33
Prénom : Julie
Messages : 3317
Inscription : 15/10/2007

Wakin Up Empty Re: Wakin Up

Dim 18 Juil - 18:19
Wakin Up Tongue J'avais le choix entre traduire mes 100 pages de mon ancienne fiction ou en écrire une nouvelle pour permettre à mes amis que j'ai rencontré à la convention de Chicago de me lire
Première Lame
Première Lame
Age : 33
Prénom : Julie
Messages : 3317
Inscription : 15/10/2007

Wakin Up Empty Re: Wakin Up

Mer 21 Juil - 6:48
Part 2:

Dean was fighting tooth and nail with the black dog that jumped on him and threatened to tear him apart. His teeth were getting closer to his face with every seconds passing by. That was his second hunt since he left Lisa and Ben at home. Well, at *their* home, not *his*. He never had a home, never had an apple pie life before and he'll never have one anymore. It wasn't his life. He couldn't pretend to be happy and have a beautiful girlfriend and a beautiful kid while his baby brothers were suffering in Hell. He had to find a way to bring them back and in doing so, if he could, save others people. When he thought that everything was over and when he was about to give up, he heard a gun fired and the black dog was knocked off of him.

Dean didn’t move for a couple of seconds, catching his breath, letting his eyes closed for a moment before opening them, hearing footsteps getting closer to him. He tried to turn his head to see who saved him and who was helping him getting totally free from the corpse of the black dog and...he felt the air being knocked out of his lungs. That...that was...impossible! He couldn’t move, couldn’t talk, couldn’t breathe. It was Sammy, his baby brother.

Once he got free, Dean got on his feet as fast as he could and took a couple of steps back, warning the «stranger» to stay away from him. No way this was his brother! «Sam» slowly approached him avoiding any movement that could be threatening.’s me...give me a chance to prove it.

-Give me your weapons...Now!

Keeping his slow-motion, Sam put his gun on the ground, follow only seconds later by Dean picking them up. can do every test you want...but give me a chance to explain myself...
After doing every test he knew, when Dean finally came to the conclusion that his baby brother was back, he hugged him stronger than he ever did, almost suffocated him. Screw the «no chick-flick moment», he didn’t care if Sam would call him a girl, as long as Sam was here, everything was going to be alright. He barely registered the couple of tears that were running freely on his cheek. When he noticed them, he wiped the tears off, but Sam didn’t miss it and just smiled.

The boys went to Dean’s motel room to clean themselves up. Dean had a lot of scratches from his hunt, but he insisted of taking care first of the scratch he did on his brother arm, testing him with a silver knife. did you find me? How did you come back?

Sam knew those questions were coming and remembers having answers for them, but now he had trouble finding them in his brain that was so fuzzy after finding his brother again, having his big brother at his sight. For one moment, he totally forgot why he ran away, why did let Dean suffered and why did he denied himself of those moments like this one?

-Finding you wasn’t that hard. To be honest, I followed you since you left Lisa’s house.

Dean frowned:
-What do you mean you’ve been following me?

Sam looked uncomfortable:
-I saw you couldn’t leave anymore the life you promised me you would...and I didn’t want you to get hurt, so I...

The rest didn’t register in Dean’s mind. He felt his hunter’s instinct kick in. Something was off, something wasn’t right in the picture...
-Wait a minute, you’ve been watching me? Before I left? Why did....

Suddenly, it hit him. If Sammy didn’t came right to him the second he came back from Hell...was he supposed to stay unaware of Sam’s come back as long as he would stay out of trouble?

-How long?

Sam frowned: -What?

-You heard me.....How. Long?

Sam looked at the floor for one moment, clearly uncomfortable. After a couple of seconds while the time seemed to have stop, Sam finally looked his brother in the eyes:

-...A bit longer than 6 months, he answered while biting his lips.

-6 months?.....You’ve been out for 6 freaking months?! I don’t believe this!..Get out...

Sam moved forward, tending unconsciously his arms toward his brother, hoping to get some contact with his big brother.

-Dean, *please*, tries to understand...I saw you with Lisa and...I just saw you...happy.

Dean stared at him blank for one second before exploding:

-HAPPY!?! Are you KIDDING me?! Try desperate, hurt, broken, drunk....I thought my brother was in Hell and you thought I was freaking *happy*???

-Dean, please, calm down...

-I say GET OUT!

Sam sighed, stopped where he was. After the longest seconds of his life, feeling tears coming to his eyes, he looked one last time at his big brother and turned around to leave. He left Dean standing alone, at the same place, in the silence, trying to calm himself down. For the last six months, half a year, he was grieving his brother, he was doing nightmares on hell, seeing his brother getting torture by the Archangels, he was trying to count the exact time that has passed in Hell since Skull Cemetery. And while he was doing all that, Sam was happily eating pie on the side of the road! If his brother really doesn’t want him, well, that’s it, they’ll stay apart. For Good.

Dean let himself slumped down on the ground while his tears were falling free once again on his cheeks. But this time, it wasn’t happy tears, it was the most painful tears he ever had.
When Lisa arrived at her home that night, she was surprise to find Dean sitting at the table, looking his empty beer, with tears still in his eyes.

-Dean...what is it?

He slowly lifted his head up and looked at her in the eyes:

-My brother is dead.

Wakin Up Empty Re: Wakin Up

Mer 21 Juil - 19:39
Wakin Up Ohmy Wakin Up Ohmy Noonnnn! Ramène les frères ensemble tout de suite! C'est une ordre de ta filleul adoré!
Première Lame
Première Lame
Age : 33
Prénom : Julie
Messages : 3317
Inscription : 15/10/2007

Wakin Up Empty Re: Wakin Up

Mer 21 Juil - 19:43
Elvira a écrit: Wakin Up Ohmy Wakin Up Ohmy Noonnnn! Ramène les frères ensemble tout de suite! C'est une ordre de ta filleul adoré!

Je croyais que je ne devais plus te parrainer si tu disparaissais plus de 3 semaines Wakin Up Rolleyes


Ne me tue pas si j'obéis pas Wakin Up Erf
Le Colt
Le Colt
Age : 34
Prénom : Natacha
Messages : 1663
Frère Préféré : Sammy et Dean XD
Inscription : 12/07/2010

Wakin Up Empty Re: Wakin Up

Mer 21 Juil - 22:01
Bon, je me suis mise, il y a près d'un mois maintenant aux fics anglaises.
Et je me suis dit pourquoi pas essayer la tienne. Pas sûre que je comprendrai par la suite si tu compliques un peu le langage XD Mais, je vais quand même essayer.
En tout cas, pour le moment, j'adore. Pauvre Sammy Wakin Up Cry Dean mérite qu'on le tape là XD
Continue comme ça. Wakin Up 415981

Wakin Up Empty Re: Wakin Up

Jeu 22 Juil - 22:21
Alecramsay a écrit:
Elvira a écrit: Wakin Up Ohmy Wakin Up Ohmy Noonnnn! Ramène les frères ensemble tout de suite! C'est une ordre de ta filleul adoré!

Je croyais que je ne devais plus te parrainer si tu disparaissais plus de 3 semaines Wakin Up Rolleyes


Ne me tue pas si j'obéis pas Wakin Up Erf

Non ne te tuerai pas.....*cache la pioche derrière son dos*
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